
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

You must be busy...

I get that a lot these days. Before I had baby, I had A LOT of comments about how busy I was going to be when the baby arrived. Considering I was 8 months pregnant and had three children clustered around my person most of the time as it was the school holidays, you can imagine what I wanted to say but bit my tongue over ;).

Truthfully, I don't know many non busy people and it has absolutely no bearing on how many children they have. Some of the busy-est people I know have one child but what extra time they might gain from having only one child to nag, do pick up and drop off and cater to their many needs, they easily fill with other things.

Working Outside the Home in Paid Employment Mums seem busy. They are forever rushing to and from, shorterning days and making it up at home so they can be there for the important things, they're taking short lunches to get home 15 minutes earlier and somehow managing to do all the other parenting stuff they need to do while still working. Frankly, I have no idea how they do it because its pretty crammy in my life sometimes trying to fit it all in without having to actually do a specific job as well.

And for what its worth Working Inside the Home but Not being Paid Mums are actually quite busy. There is the image of the latte sipping SAHM, casually drapped across the sofa while watching something rivetting on daytime television. Well first of all, lattes suggest an espresso maker or a trip to a cafe... I don't drink coffee myself but I come across enough unfinished drinks in my house to know that if I did make something something special using the espresso maker, I'm actually unlikely to get it drunk in one sitting. And if I did go somewhere for a drink which I do sometimes, its not just me having some downtime, its me and whatever children I happen to have with me. I am not so much sipping latte (or hot chocolate) but juggling my drink while breastfeeding the baby, spooning leftover fluffy into the toddlers mouth and trying to let my preschooler into the playarea all at once. Its not exactly restful.

And I can assure you that what little have seen of daytime television, its not worth making time for unless its the Olympics. Being a SAHM rocks during the Olympics even if my children don't appreciate the finer points of hockey or athletics.

So am I busy? Well yes I am. Kind of. At the moment I 'have' to take time to sit down in order to feed the baby. Its good in a way as it makes me sit down and relax, well, sit down anyway. Its hard too because as soon as I sit down I see all the stuff I haven't done and won't get done today anyway.

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